Sunday, June 3, 2012

China vs Philippine War: President Obama personal war and stance on Asia as a whole

            While China and the Philippines look to avoid a China vs. Philippines war, President Obama remains strong in his conviction that the U.S. make no concessions to China. China has said the U.S. presence in the region is what started the problem in the 1st place. China has said U.S. should stay out of Asian affair's and concentrate on problem on it's own soil, namely the U.S. economy. President Obama believes differently noting China's bid to become a Superpower in the world today. President Obama believes if China is left unchecked, it will slowly consume the countries around it. President Obama said" the act of aggression towards a small country like Philippines which is a peaceful country shows China's willingness to bully if left unchecked by the rest of the world".

           China has painted the picture of President Obama as a war President. China says the evidence of U.S. aggression is the sending of warships to the South China Sea. China says the South China Sea dispute is no call for U.S. to send warship's, do military exercises, and place 2,500 troops in Australia. Even at home in the U.S. people are skeptical of President Obama's plans and are scared of his new found war-like political tone.Some are even calling it President Obama's Personal War, saying in order to win the election, war is what he might need. Let us all pray this is not the case and somehow there will be a peaceful solution.For the latest news on the China vs. Philippine conflict, subscribe by email or bookmark this page. If you want to show support , please hit the G+ button